Topic: Suomi-NPP VIIRS Lunar Roll Maneuver for January 30, 2015
Date/Time Issued: January 28, 2015 1920 UTC
Product(s) or Data Impacted: All Suomi-NPP Sensor data
Date/Time of Initial Impact: January 30, 2014 07:57:14 UTC
Date/Time of Expected End: January 30, 2014 08:59:14 UTC
Length of Outage: See Details
Details/Specifics of Change: Suomi-NPP will perform a spacecraft attitude maneuver, for the VIIRS Lunar Calibration, with a roll of -5.674 degrees centered at 2015-01-30T08:22:14 UTC. Science data may be impacted while the spacecraft is pointing off-nadir during the attitude maneuver and the CERES instrument will not provide nominal science data as it will placed in a contamination safe mode. The timeline of events for this maneuver are provided below.
The following observatory systems will be affected on 2015 January 30:
07:57:14 UTC – 08:59:14 UTC CERES will be in Contam-Safe, science data will not be available
08:12:14 UTC – 08:34:14 UTC HRD will be off, data for direct broadcast users will be unavailable
08:16:44 UTC – 08:29:45 UTC VIIRS encoder offset and gain will be set for Moon observation
08:17:14 UTC – 08:29:14 UTC S-NPP will be pointing off-nadir and collected data during that time period may be impacted