CSPP Software Release: NUCAPS CrIS/ATMS Retrieval Software

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CSPP Software Release: NUCAPS CrIS/ATMS Retrieval Software

Post by kathys »

CSPP Software Release: NOAA Unique CrIS/ATMS Processing System (NUCAPS) Retrieval Software V1.0

The University of Wisconsin-Madison SSEC is pleased to announce the release of the NOAA/NESDIS/STAR NOAA Unique CrIS/ATMS Processing System (NUCAPS) Environmental Data Record (EDR) software for retrieval of atmospheric profiles of temperature, moisture and trace gasses as well as cloud-cleared radiances from input Suomi-NPP CrIS and ATMS Sensor Data Records (SDRs).
NUCAPS development is led by Walter Wolf and Quanhau (Mark) Liu at the NOAA NESDIS Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR). This CSPP release was created in close collaboration with Chris Barnet, the NOAA government science lead for NUCAPS from 2003 to 2013, who is the developer of the NUCAPS science code, and the scientist most familiar with its algorithm. The CSPP NUCAPS v1.0 software package has been adapted and tested for operation in a real-time direct broadcast environment. The package consists of binary executable files and supporting static data files, as well as input and output files for verification of a successful installation. Source code for the NUCAPS package is not included in this release.

The output products are two NetCDF files containing:
  • • Environmental Data Record (EDR) vertical profiles of temperature, moisture and trace gasses (NUCAPS-EDR_v1r0_npp_*.nc files), and
    • Cloud-cleared radiances (NUCAPS-CCR-AR_v1r0_npp_*.nc files)
System requirements for the CSPP NUCAPS v1.0 software are as follows:
  • • Intel or AMD CPU with 64-bit instruction support,
    • 1 GB RAM,
    • CentOS-6 64-bit Linux (or other compatible 64-bit Linux distribution),
    • 4 GB of disk space (plus space for your own DB data and CSPP NUCAPS products).
CSPP development is led by the Space Science and Engineering Center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison with funding support from the NOAA/NASA Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS). The CSPP NUCAPS software can be downloaded from:



Kathy (On behalf of the CSPP Team at SSEC)
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