Suomi-NPP SDR Version 2.2 software release

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Suomi-NPP SDR Version 2.2 software release

Post by kathys »

Dear Colleagues,

This message is to announce the JPSS Community Satellite Processing Package (CSPP) Suomi NPP SDR software release version 2.2 for VIIRS, CrIS and ATMS is now available for download.

What's New in CSPP Sensor Data Record (SDR) Software Version 2.2:
  • - The SDR software code base has been updated to NOAA IDPS version Mx8.11 (ADL 4.2.11).
    - Added new JPSS VIIRS ancillary data set dependence - a daily reflective solar calibration coefficients file.
    - VIIRS M-Band 6 SDR radiance to reflectance value changes.
    - Quick look display and execution performance improvements including CrIS image interpolation through deleted direct broadcast FOVs.
    - Updated ancillary data logic and scripts.
    - CSPP SDR Version 2.2 can be used for creating VIIRS, CrIS and ATMS SDRs from historical data sets beginning with data acquired on 5 July 2014 to the present.
This release replaces existing installations of CSPP SDR (it is not an update). This includes new CSPP SDR CACHE and STATIC tarballs.

The software, documentation and test data are all available for download at the CSPP website:

The CSPP SDR package includes the following unique features:
  • - All are based on the Algorithm Development Library (ADL) code base released by the JPSS Project.
    - Executable codes have been compiled and tested for efficient runtime performance.
    - Multicore processing capability is available via user-selectable command line options.
    - Calibration lookup table (LUT) updates are automated via user-callable scripts.
    - Ancillary data discovery, download, and pre-processing is automated via user-callable scripts.
    - HDF5 product files may be aggregated and internally compressed via user-selectable command line options.
    - Timely and helpful software support is available from the CSPP team at
System requirements are:
  • - Intel or AMD CPU with 64-bit instruction support,
    - 16 GB RAM, plus an additional 8GB of RAM for every core that is used for CSPP VIIRS SDR processing,
    - CentOS 6 64-bit Linux (or other compatible 64-bit Linux distribution,
    - 100 GB disk space (including the software and data).
The CSPP SDR software packages are based on the Algorithm Development Library (ADL) software developed by Raytheon for the JPSS Project. ADL allows the operational processing algorithms for Suomi NPP to run without modification in a Linux environment. SSEC has packaged the ADL versions of the Suomi NPP algorithms so they can run from the Linux command line in real-time direct broadcast mode, but we have not changed the underlying processing software, algorithms, or data formats. The output files created by this software are identical in naming, format (HDF5), and structure to the corresponding files from the NOAA/NESDIS CLASS archive.


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