Modifying effectivity in .asc files to correspond to NCT 3

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Modifying effectivity in .asc files to correspond to NCT 3

Post by houchin »


I'm hopefully in he home stretch of getting my ADL 3 helper script to work in withMetadata mode, but have run into another issue. My script takes HDF RDR files as input, creates ADL 3 staging directories, unpacks the HDF inputs into the staging directory, allows the user to override any individual LUTs or other files, and then runs ADL.

ADL 3 didn't ship with any HDF VIIRS RDR files that I see, so I am testing with some NCT 3 data.

The first issue is that the metadata for three of the ADL 3 provided LUTs lists effectivities ending back in 2003/2004, and the NCT 3 data is 2010:
  • USNO-PolarWander-UT1-ANC-Int
  • NCEP-ANC-Int
Certainly, I can just edit those three .asci files to put the effectivity end into the future, and that is what I have tried. But do I need to more than that?

Just doing that, and then rerunning ADL 3, ADL 3 is dumping core I believe within the function to load the RDR file:

Code: Select all

2011/08/17 15:16:14.848.407 (20529.47517960970448): DBG_MED ProCmnMethodAudit.cpp|225|AutoGeneratedProSdrViirsVerifiedRdr[ProSdrViirsVerifiedRdr]::doPtrAssignmentToInputAndOutput(NPP003615634254) [0x2d6927a0] PRO_SUCCESS
2011/08/17 15:16:14.848.443 (20529.47517960970448): DBG_MED ProCmnMethodAudit.cpp|123|ProSdrViirsVerifiedRdr[ProSdrViirsVerifiedRdr]::doProcessing(NPP003615634254) [0x2d6927a0] entered
2011/08/17 15:16:14.848.463 (20529.47517960970448): DBG_MED ProCmnMethodAudit.cpp|123|ProSdrViirsVerifiedRdr[ProSdrViirsVerifiedRdr]::createVerifiedRDR(NPP003615634254) [0x2d6927a0] entered
2011/08/17 15:16:14.849.325 (20529.47517960970448): DBG_MED ProCmnMethodAudit.cpp|173|ProViirsVerifiedRDRConverter[ProViirsVerifiedRDRConverter]::convert() [0x336babb0] entered
I'm rerunning now with DEBUG_LOW to see if that give me any more info.

Any ideas?
Scott Houchin, Senior Engineering Specialist, The Aerospace Corporation
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Re: Modifying effectivity in .asc files to correspond to NCT

Post by bhenders »

I assume that you are unable to get the auxillary/ancillary data for the NCT 3 data for 2010 for these inputs:


You can modify the Effectivity to overlap your actuall downloaded NCT3 RDR granules, which will allow the items to be retrieved. However, it still may mean though that you might not produce equivalent results as IDPS without having the exact same inputs available. NCEP-ANC-Int is for the granulate ancillary data algorithms in the VIIRS SDR Controller, if you are only interested in VIIRS SDR Cal/Geolocation the ProEdrViirsAncController algorithm could be turned off in the ProSdrViirsController_CFG.xml file. If you merely want to run, you will not need to do more than change the Effectivity time range.

Your other issue may be due to some incompatibility between VIIRS RDRs for NCT3 and ADL 3.0 (based off of an Mx6 "A" build), though my quick ask around indicated that there should not be any core issues.

If you could provide a log file for debug low and send it to my email address, I can probably have the VIIRS SDR algorithm owner look at it, to see if he can see what the issue might be.

Bryan Henderson
Raytheon Company
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Re: Modifying effectivity in .asc files to correspond to NCT

Post by JimBiard »

I'd love to know what happens with this. I am working on VIIRS processing myself. Please keep me informed!
Research Scholar
Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites
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