Dear Colleagues,
The Community Satellite Processing Package (CSPP) project at CIMSS/SSEC/UW-Madison is releasing a Patch for the CSPP Sensor Data Record (SDR) Version 3.0 software for Suomi NPP and NOAA20 (JPSS-1) (Version 3.0.3). This software package supports the calibration and geolocation of the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS), Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder (ATMS), and the Cross-track Infrared Sounder (CrIS) instruments onboard the Suomi NPP and NOAA20 (JPSS-1) satellites.
What’s new in CSPP SDR Patch Version 3.0.3:
• Patch to support processing of VIIRS, ATMS, and CrIS data from NOAA20 (JPSS-1). This includes updates to the ancillary and Look-Up-Table (LUT) download scripts.
• Code update to improve granule yields of VIIRS, CrIS and ATMS SDRs from Direct Broadcast (DB).
The patch can either be included as part of a new installation, or applied to an existing CSPP Version 3.0 installation. For new installations, follow the instructions in the CSPP SDR Version 3.0.3 Installation Guide found at the CSPP website:
Applying the Patch to an Existing Installation
To apply the Patch to an existing CSPP SDR Version 3.0 installation, follow these instructions:
1). Download the CSPP SDR Version 3.0.3 Patch (for example in ${HOME}):
cd ${HOME}
wget ... TCH.tar.gz
2). Before applying the patch you must first remove your local ancillary and Look-Up-Table (LUT) database by executing the following commands:
rm -fr ${CSPP_SDR_HOME}/anc/cache/db
rm -fr ${CSPP_SDR_HOME}/anc/cache/20*
3). Now apply the CSPP Version 3.0.3 patch on top of your current installation.
tar xf ../CSPP_SDR_V3.0.3_PATCH.tar.gz
4). Confirm a successfully patched installation by checking for Version number 3.0.3 in the SDR_3_0/RELEASE_NOTES.txt file.
5). Recreate your local database cache by executing the Look-Up-Table (LUT) and ancillary update scripts:
Other CSPP SDR Version 3.0 Notes of Interest:
• RT-STPS version 5.9 or higher from the NASA Direct Readout Laboratory creates RDR files that can be ingested by the CSPP SDR processing software. If you wish to process data from NOAA20 (JPSS-1), then you may need to use RT-STPS version 6.0.
• Due to a change in core ADL software, the option to retain VIIRS intermediate binary files ( -e) is no longer available. Therefore, the CSPP VIIRS Imagery EDR software is not supported in CSPP Version 3.0. However, alternative imagery software is available. The CSPP Polar2Grid package supports the creation of high quality VIIRS imagery in user defined projections, and a variety of output formats.
• Most JPSS Environmental Data Record (EDR) algorithms are being replaced with NOAA Enterprise Algorithms. Many are now distributed as part of CSPP. Therefore, CSPP EDR software is not supported on NOAA20 (JPSS-1). The CSPP enterprise algorithms include the VIIRS Active Fire Software, the ACSPO Sea Surface Temperature software, and the CLAVRx Cloud Retrieval Software.
• Although the system requirements for CSPP SDR Version 3.0 have not changed from previous versions, S-NPP and the final NOAA20 (JPSS-1) satellite orbits will be 50 minutes apart. In order to keep up with processing data from both satellites, we strongly recommend multi-core processing (sdr -p option), and increasing your system memory if necessary.
The CSPP SDR version 3.0.3 software, documentation and test data is now available for download at:
The CSPP SDR version 3.0 software is based on the Algorithm Development Library (ADL) software developed by Raytheon for the JPSS Project. ADL allows the operational processing algorithms for Suomi NPP and JPSS-1 to run without modification in a Linux environment. CIMSS/SSEC has packaged the ADL versions of the Suomi NPP and JPSS-1 algorithms so they can run from the Linux command line in real-time direct broadcast mode, but we have not changed the underlying processing software, algorithms, or data formats. The output files from the CSPP SDR processing software are identical in naming, format, and structure to the corresponding files from NOAA/NESDIS. The native format for the SDR products is HDF5, and descriptions of the S-NPP/JPSS-1 SDR file format and contents are available in CDFCB Volume III at:
Please note the JPSS Program guidance on distribution of NOAA-20 (JPSS-1) data or images:
"Until the NOAA-20 satellite has been declared operational, its data are preliminary and will be undergoing testing. Users receiving these data through any dissemination means (including, but not limited to, PDA and HRD) assume all risk related to their use of the NOAA-20 data and NOAA disclaims any and all warranties, whether express or implied, including (without limitation) any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose."
Kathy Strabala
On behalf of the CSPP team.