CSPP SDR v3.1.1 Patch for S-NPP and NOAA-20

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CSPP SDR v3.1.1 Patch for S-NPP and NOAA-20

Post by kathys »

The Community Satellite Processing Package (CSPP) project at CIMSS/SSEC/UW-Madison is releasing a Patch for the CSPP Sensor Data Record (SDR) Version 3.1 software for Suomi NPP and NOAA20 (JPSS-1) (Version 3.1.1) that improves SDR output granule yields for all instruments. This software package supports the calibration and geolocation of the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS), Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder (ATMS), and the Cross-track Infrared Sounder (CrIS) instruments onboard the Suomi NPP and NOAA20 (JPSS-1) satellites.

What’s new in CSPP SDR Patch Version 3.1.1:
  • • Fix to a Python driver script that caused granules to not be processed for all sensors on both satellites,
    • Fixed an omission in the ADL XML configurations for VIIRS on both satellites that caused granules to not be processed.
The patch can either be included as part of a new installation, or applied to an existing CSPP Version 3.1 installation. For new installations, follow the instructions in the CSPP SDR Version 3.1.1 Installation Guide found at the CSPP website: http://cimss.ssec.wisc.edu/cspp/download/

Applying the Patch to an Existing Installation

To apply the Patch to an existing CSPP SDR Version 3.1 installation, follow these instructions:

1). Download the CSPP SDR Version 3.1.1 Patch (for example in ${HOME}):

cd ${HOME}
wget ftp://ftp.ssec.wisc.edu/pub/CSPP/sdr_v_ ... tch.tar.gz

2). Set the environmental variables for CSPP if you have not already done so.

export CSPP_SDR_HOME=$HOME/SDR_3_1 # (or your local installation directory)
source $CSPP_SDR_HOME/cspp_sdr_env.sh

3). Now apply the CSPP Version 3.1.1 patch on top of your current installation.

tar xf ../CSPP_SDR_V3.1.1_patch.tar.gz

Confirm a successfully patched installation by checking for Version number 3.1.1 in the SDR_3_1/RELEASE_NOTES.txt file.

Please note, the CSPP Version 3.1.1 software still performs the RDR filtering that was introduced in version 3.1 to ensure proper calibration of ATMS and CrIS output SDRs.


Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns by responding to cspp_issues@ssec.wisc.edu .

The CSPP SDR version 3.1.1 software, documentation and test data is now available for download at:

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