Note: No action is required for users who are not interested in MAG products or SUVI FITS files.
The following issues were observed in CSPP Geo GRB processing following the DO.08.01 update to the GOES-R ground system, which occurred on Sept 26 during the 1500z hour.
- Invalid MAG products are generated
- SUVI conversion to FITS files is no longer working
Both GOES-16 and GOES-17 products are affected. Note that SUVI NetCDF products are not affected.
The MAG issue was caused by an unexpected change in the GRB product format. The SUVI issue was caused by a deleted variable that is not properly handled by the CSPP Geo FITS converter.
The CSPP Geo team has developed a beta GRB software patch that addresses both issues, and also includes other improvements to FITS files based on user feedback. A final patch will be released in about two weeks.
Please contact if you are interested in obtaining and installing the beta patch. However, note that in general beta releases are not tested as thoroughly as final releases.