CSPP MiRS Microwave Retrieval Software Version 3.0 Release

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CSPP MiRS Microwave Retrieval Software Version 3.0 Release

Post by kathys »

CSPP Software Release: Microwave Integrated Retrieval System (MiRS) for ATMS, AMSU-A/MHS Version 3.0

The University of Wisconsin-Madison SSEC is pleased to announce a new release of the NOAA/NESDIS/STAR Microwave integrated Retrieval System (MiRS) software for retrieval of atmospheric profiles, cloud and surface properties from NOAA-20 and S-NPP ATMS, and NOAA-18,-19, Metop-A,-B,-C AMSU-A and MHS microwave sensor data. This package is in support of Direct Broadcast users, and is sponsored by the Community Satellite Processing Package (CSPP) project funded by the NOAA/NASA Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS). MiRS is led by Quanhua (Mark) Liu and Chris Grassotti at the NOAA NESDIS Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR). This release provides MiRS version 11.8 adapted and tested for operation in a real-time direct broadcast environment.

The CSPP_MIRS v3.0 software package contains binary executable files and supporting static data files, as well as input and output files for verification of a successful installation.

What is new in CSPP MiRS Version 3.0?
  • Code base updated to Version 11.8,
    Software is now packaged within a Singularity container,
    Updates to the Snow Fall Rate (SFR) algorithm.
Supported satellites, sensors, and data include:
  • NOAA-20 and Suomi-NPP ATMS Sensor Data Records (SDR) (from CSPP)
    NOAA-19 and NOAA-18 (until 20 Oct 2018) AMSU-A and MHS Level 1B (from AAPP)
    Metop-B, Metop-C and Metop-A (until 15 Nov 2021) AMSU-A and MHS Level 1B (from AAPP)
Two NetCDF4 files are created by the CSPP MiRS software:
The MiRS sounding products are written into the "NPR-MIRS-SND" prefixed file, while surface and precipitation products are written to the “NPR-MIRS-IMG” prefixed file.

Official Validated Products created by MiRS include:
  • Temperature profile over open water ocean
    Humidity profile over open water ocean
    Humidity profile over non-coastal Land
    Total Precipitable Water (TPW) over open water ocean
    Total Precipitable Water over non-coastal land
    Land surface temperature
    Surface Emissivity over land and snow
    Snow Water Equivalent (SWE)
    Sea Ice Concentration (SIC)
    Snow Cover Extent (SCE), based on the SWE
    Vertically-Integrated Non-precipitating Cloud Liquid Water (CLW) over open water ocean
    Vertically-Integrated Ice Water Path (IWP)
    Vertically-Integrated Rain Water Path (RWP)
    Rainfall Rate (RR) over open water ocean and non-coastal, non-snow-covered land surface types
    Effective grain size of snow (over snow-covered land surface)*
    Multi-Year (MY) Type Sea Ice Concentration*
    First-Year (FY) Type Sea Ice Concentration*
    Snow Fall Rate and Probability of Falling Snow (SFR and Prob_SF)***
*Note that FY and MY Sea Ice Concentration, as well as Snow Grain Size are not officially operational, but preliminary products, which is a higher maturity level than experimental status.
***Note that snowfall rate is not produced for Metop-A and NOAA-18.

Experimental Products Created by MiRS

The following products are also produced experimentally for Suomi-NPP, NOAA-20, NOAA-18, NOAA-19, Metop-A, Metop-B and Metop-C. Note that they lack a thorough validation due to the absence of reliable ground truth measurements. These are made available to users for the purpose of evaluating their usefulness.
  • Cloud Liquid Water Profile (CLWP) over ocean
    Surface Temperature (skin) extended to snow-covered land surface type
    Surface Temperature (skin) extended to open ocean water
System requirements for the CSPP_MIRS v3.0:
  • Singularity version 3.7.3 or above,
    Intel or AMD CPU with 64-bit instruction support,
    8 GB RAM,
    CentOS-7.9 64-bit Linux; the software has also been tested on Rocky Linux release 8.5,
    2 GB of disk space (plus space for your own DB data and CSPP_MIRS products).
James Davies leads CSPP MiRS development at the Space Science and Engineering Center located at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

The CSPP_MIRS v3.0 software can be downloaded from:


The installation guide can also be viewed here: https://bin.ssec.wisc.edu/pub/CSPP/docs ... e_v3.0.pdf
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