SNPP data outage
Re: SNPP data outage
Update #17 - Issued Tuesday, August 23, 20:35 UTC As of Tuesday, August 23, 2022, the S-NPP VIIRS Cloud EDRs, Flood Mapping EDR, Active Fires EDR, Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) EDR, Aerosol Detection Product (ADP) EDR, Surface Albedo EDR, and Cryosphere EDRs are approved for operational use. Direct Broadcast users can use the equivalent CSPP LEO products for operations. Remaining VIIRS EDRs will be reviewed for approval tomorrow and a Notification will be issued afterward.
Re: SNPP data outage
Update #18 - Issuted Wednesday, August 24 20:35 UTC: As of Wednesday, August 24, 2022, all VIIRS products are now approved for operational use.