GOES-19 is scheduled to become operational on April 4, 2025, replacing GOES-16 as the GOES-East satellite.
GOES-19 is already supported in several CSPP Geo software packages (GRB, Geo2Grid, AXI Tools). No software update will be needed for these packages in order to process GOES-19 data. However, please ensure you are running the latest version of these packages.
GOES-19 is not yet supported in the remaining CSPP Geo packages that support GOES-R series (LightningCast, AIT Framework, Gridded GLM). Updates to these packages adding GOES-19 support are currently being developed. The updates are planned for release by early March to allow time for users to install prior to the GOES-East transition.
Note that in addition to GOES-19 support, these software updates may contain bug fixes and some new functionality. However, they will be interface-compatible drop-in replacements for existing software, with no changes to system requirements.
The table below summarizes the plan for GOES-19 updates.
Please contact us with any questions via the forum or by emailing csppgeo.issues@ssec.wisc.edu.
CSPP Geo Team