ADL_Unpacker gives wrong VIIRS SDR start and end times

Issues related to the VIIRS SDR algorithm and data
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ADL_Unpacker gives wrong VIIRS SDR start and end times

Post by geoffc »

I have been using ADL_Unpacker.exe to generate blob files from VIIRS SDR HDF5 files. Unfortunately the unpacker generates files which have the wrong
start and end times, defaulting to the epoch time (1958-01-01 00:00:00.000000Z).

Unpacking a VIIRS GMTCO file from OPS results in ...

Code: Select all

WORK_DIR=. ADL_Unpacker.exe HDF5_SDR/GMTCO_npp_d20120217_t1850222_e1851463_b01595_c20120218010024152413_noaa_ops.h5

Processing HDF5_SDR/GMTCO_npp_d20120217_t1850222_e1851463_b01595_c20120218010024152413_noaa_ops.h5... 
WARNING  2012-06-05 18:05:56.589835  tid-47204543753440  pid-15833 (DmCoreItemDateTimeRange.cpp line 473) invalid start date: 1958-1-1 - defaulting to IET epoch (1958-01-01 00:00:00.000000Z)
WARNING  2012-06-05 18:05:56.589943  tid-47204543753440  pid-15833 (DmCoreItemDateTimeRange.cpp line 503) invalid end date: 1958-1-1 - defaulting to IET epoch (1958-01-01 00:00:00.000000Z)
WARNING  2012-06-05 18:05:58.039881  tid-47204543753440  pid-15833 (DmCoreItemDateTimeRange.cpp line 473) invalid start date: 1958-1-1 - defaulting to IET epoch (1958-01-01 00:00:00.000000Z)
WARNING  2012-06-05 18:05:58.039926  tid-47204543753440  pid-15833 (DmCoreItemDateTimeRange.cpp line 503) invalid end date: 1958-1-1 - defaulting to IET epoch (1958-01-01 00:00:00.000000Z)

Unpacking a VIIRS GMTCO file from direct broadcast at SSEC (generated using ADL VIIRS SDR algorithm in CSPP) results in ...

Code: Select all

WORK_DIR=. ADL_Unpacker.exe VIIRS_DB/GMTCO_npp_d20120531_t1802492_e1804133_b00001_c20120531183457666926_cspp_dev.h5

Processing VIIRS_DB/GMTCO_npp_d20120531_t1802492_e1804133_b00001_c20120531183457666926_cspp_dev.h5... 
WARNING  2012-06-05 18:05:27.476557  tid-47258351459552  pid-15817 (DmCoreItemDateTimeRange.cpp line 473) invalid start date: 1958-1-1 - defaulting to IET epoch (1958-01-01 00:00:00.000000Z)
WARNING  2012-06-05 18:05:27.476647  tid-47258351459552  pid-15817 (DmCoreItemDateTimeRange.cpp line 503) invalid end date: 1958-1-1 - defaulting to IET epoch (1958-01-01 00:00:00.000000Z)
WARNING  2012-06-05 18:05:28.811019  tid-47258351459552  pid-15817 (DmCoreItemDateTimeRange.cpp line 473) invalid start date: 1958-1-1 - defaulting to IET epoch (1958-01-01 00:00:00.000000Z)
WARNING  2012-06-05 18:05:28.811057  tid-47258351459552  pid-15817 (DmCoreItemDateTimeRange.cpp line 503) invalid end date: 1958-1-1 - defaulting to IET epoch (1958-01-01 00:00:00.000000Z)

As a comparison I tried unpacking a VIIRS RDR file...

Code: Select all

WORK_DIR=. ADL_Unpacker.exe testData/input/RNSCA-RVIRS_npp_d20120214_t1807334_e1808588_b01552_c20120214200421112984_noaa_ops.h5

Processing testData/input/RNSCA-RVIRS_npp_d20120214_t1807334_e1808588_b01552_c20120214200421112984_noaa_ops.h5... 

...which appears to unpack successfully.

Any ideas ?
Geoff P. Cureton, PhD
Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies
University of Wisconsin-Madison
1225 W. Dayton St.
Madison WI 53706, USA
Phone: +1 608 890 0706
Posts: 280
Joined: Wed Jan 05, 2011 7:02 pm
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Re: ADL_Unpacker gives wrong VIIRS SDR start and end times

Post by kbisanz »

I believe that's more of a warning than an actual problem that will cause issues for you.

See this thread for more information (the link points to page 2): viewtopic.php?f=32&t=135&start=10
Particularly these 2 posts:
--by hcronk » Thu Dec 08, 2011 11:08 am
--by kbisanz » Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:38 pm

You could look at the created .asc files (by default in $ADL_HOME/data/HDF5_Unpack_Area/ ) to see what metadata contains a 1958 time.

Was the CSPP file created using ADL 3.1 or 4.0?

If you wanted me to take a closer look to determine the exact cause, could you please post the offending h5 file someplace I could download it?

I was not able to reproduce the problem using a file named GMTCO-IVSIC_npp_d20030125_t0718133_e0719378_b00016_c20120601151909731524_devl_dev.h5 that was produced using ADL 4.0.
Kevin Bisanz
Raytheon Company
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