I'm hopefully in he home stretch of getting my ADL 3 helper script to work in withMetadata mode, but have run into another issue. My script takes HDF RDR files as input, creates ADL 3 staging directories, unpacks the HDF inputs into the staging directory, allows the user to override any individual LUTs or other files, and then runs ADL.
ADL 3 didn't ship with any HDF VIIRS RDR files that I see, so I am testing with some NCT 3 data.
The first issue is that the metadata for three of the ADL 3 provided LUTs lists effectivities ending back in 2003/2004, and the NCT 3 data is 2010:
- USNO-PolarWander-UT1-ANC-Int
Just doing that, and then rerunning ADL 3, ADL 3 is dumping core I believe within the function to load the RDR file:
Code: Select all
2011/08/17 15:16:14.848.407 (20529.47517960970448): DBG_MED ProCmnMethodAudit.cpp|225|AutoGeneratedProSdrViirsVerifiedRdr[ProSdrViirsVerifiedRdr]::doPtrAssignmentToInputAndOutput(NPP003615634254) [0x2d6927a0] PRO_SUCCESS
2011/08/17 15:16:14.848.443 (20529.47517960970448): DBG_MED ProCmnMethodAudit.cpp|123|ProSdrViirsVerifiedRdr[ProSdrViirsVerifiedRdr]::doProcessing(NPP003615634254) [0x2d6927a0] entered
2011/08/17 15:16:14.848.463 (20529.47517960970448): DBG_MED ProCmnMethodAudit.cpp|123|ProSdrViirsVerifiedRdr[ProSdrViirsVerifiedRdr]::createVerifiedRDR(NPP003615634254) [0x2d6927a0] entered
2011/08/17 15:16:14.849.325 (20529.47517960970448): DBG_MED ProCmnMethodAudit.cpp|173|ProViirsVerifiedRDRConverter[ProViirsVerifiedRDRConverter]::convert() [0x336babb0] entered
Any ideas?