dataStartIET, dataEndIET, actualScans for "noMetadata"

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dataStartIET, dataEndIET, actualScans for "noMetadata"

Post by pe_meade_dpe »

I am trying to use unpacked ATMS RDRs in "noMetadata" mode (in order to sanity check for a fix for an issue that was detected running in "noMetadata" mode). Does anyone have a good system for determining the dataStartIET, dataEndIET, and actualScans from the RDRs themselves or from the metadata? I'd say "this shouldn't be rocket science", but then, of course, it kind of is.
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Re: dataStartIET, dataEndIET, actualScans for "noMetadata"

Post by houchin »

The Aerospace RDR reader has functions and a helper exectuable to get exactly this info, at least for VIIRS files. It is untested on data for other sensors. The code is on CasaNOSA at: ... p-rdr-sdr/

Either get the zip file or use subversion to check it out.

For the number of scans, I currently assume it is 48 for VIIRS. The current version counts the scans, so it isn't that fast. In our experience, every granule does indeed have 48 scans, although one might have bogus data in it (but 48 is still the correct number to give ADL).

The class you want is It is a main class, so you can "java -cp vsdrp-rdr-sdr.jar" and it prints usage. There are options for dealing with the number of scans if you want to make assumptions.

If you're doing withMetadata, there is a class that will give you the granule ID and version.
Scott Houchin, Senior Engineering Specialist, The Aerospace Corporation
15049 Conference Center Dr CH3/310, Chantilly, VA 20151; 571-307-3914;
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