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about granID.exe

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 3:39 pm
by ljiang
I was just returned from the ADL3.1 workshop. Today I tried the ADL3.1 tool granID.exe but I found the result is not consistent with the IDPS official output, for example, the one on the slides:

Sensor = VIIRS
Enter the time or VIIRS Granule ID: 1704299358600000
Input Time: 1704299358600000 = 2012-01-03 16:28:44.600000Z
Output VIIRS Granule ID = NPP004033313256
Start: 1704299358600000 = 2012-01-03 16:28:44.600000Z
End: 1704299443950000 = 2012-01-03 16:30:09.950000Z

and yes it gives the identical results when I run granID on my own machine.

However, by looking at the granule at around 2012-01-03 16:28:44:VOCCO_npp_d20120103_t1628592_e1630234_b00955_c20120103231640936114_noaa_ops.h5,

the N_Granule_ID = NPP000062801383

Re: about granID.exe

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 4:52 pm
by gfireman
The examples are given with the default value for proxy data:
export NPP_GRANULE_ID_BASETIME=1300968033000000

NPP data was generated with the updated granule basetime:
export NPP_GRANULE_ID_BASETIME=1698019234000000