If you are seeing a message like this one:
Creating memory tables of Phase2 inputs...
Checking database in /home/modis/BRDF/DBBRDF/ancillary/BRDF_DB/ for tile h19v04
BRDF_DB file not found locally nor on FTP site
Abort at ./DBBRDF.pl line 1564.
when running the DBBRDF/scripts/DBBRDF.pl script, it is due to the attempt to download ancillary BRDF files using ftp without the passive switch being set. This can be a problem for people using machines with certain types of firewalls.
To solve this problem, you can replace DBBRDF.pl line 611 from the original:
if ($ftp=Net::FTP->new($host,Timeout=>240)) {
the the new:
if ($ftp=Net::FTP->new($host,Timeout=>240,Passive=>1)) {
and line 1572 from the original:
$ftp=Net::FTP->new($host,Timeout=>240) or die "$sub\nTimeout out on FTP connect\nAbort";
to the new:
$ftp=Net::FTP->new($host,Timeout=>240,Passive=>1) or die "$sub\nTimeout out on FTP connect\nAbort";
Or just download a new perl script which can be found here: ftp://ftp.ssec.wisc.edu/pub/kathys/BRDF/DBBRDF.pl
Kathy Strabala