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error with endianconverter

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 10:27 am
by jhuangadl
I need to convert LE files to BE, but the conversion was not successful.
Here is the command I ran:

Code: Select all

$ADL_HOME/tools/bin/AdlFileEndianConverter.exe 50b3b960-004e5-020ad406-ed573f0b.VIIRS-MOD-GEO-TC VIIRS_MOD_GEO_TC VIIRS 50b3b960-004e5-020ad406-ed573f0b.VIIRS-MOD-GEO-TC.BE
I was told it was not successful and I need to look into the log file.
Here is what the log file shows the error:

Code: Select all

2012/12/04 15:07:27.672.206 (23467.47387336408608): DBG_LOW ProCmnDefaultAlgorithmPolicy.cpp|768|ProCmnDefaultAlgorithmPolicy::getEnableStatusMessagesToConsoleImpl() defaulting to 0 ("PRO.ENABLE_STATUS_MESSAGES_TO_CONSOLE" not found in CFG environment)
2012/12/04 15:07:27.672.254 (23467.47387336408608): DBG_HIGH ProCmnMethodAudit.cpp|207|ProCmnProductDictionary[ProCmnProductDictionary]::convertEndianness() [0x1db88d0] ROOT PRO_FAIL No entry for VIIRS_MOD_GEO_TC in available products map from file ProCmnProductDictionary.cpp, line 4068
2012/12/04 15:07:27.672.273 (23467.47387336408608): DBG_HIGH AdlFileEndianConverter.cpp|384|Error converting data endianness for 50b3b960-004e5-020ad406-ed573f0b.VIIRS-MOD-GEO-TC
I double checked /data/data003/CSPP/ADL/cfg/DataProducts/VIIRS-MOD-GEO-TC.xml
And I saw that the group name is correctly spelled as VIIRS_MOD_GEO_TC

Where else I put it wrong? Anything else I need to change so that the converter can work? Any timely hints/help are greatly appreciated!


Re: error with endianconverter

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 10:54 am
by tjensen
The group name for the VIIRS-MOD-GEO-TC product is "Geolocation_Mod_DEG_TC", not "VIIRS_MOD_GEO_TC". You can find the proper group name for a product is specified by <ProductGroupName> in product profile XML.

So in this case, I believe the following command should work:

Code: Select all

$ADL_HOME/tools/bin/AdlFileEndianConverter.exe 50b3b960-004e5-020ad406-ed573f0b.VIIRS-MOD-GEO-TC Geolocation_Mod_DEG_TC VIIRS 50b3b960-004e5-020ad406-ed573f0b.VIIRS-MOD-GEO-TC.BE
Let me know if it still has problems.

Re: error with endianconverter

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 3:26 pm
by jhuangadl
Thank you, Tim,
Any chance you can tell me where I can find the product profile xml?
Obviously the xml file I checked did not give me the correct group name.

Re: error with endianconverter

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 4:22 pm
by tjensen
Product profile XML can be found in $ADL_HOME/xml. Files are organized in directories based on Sensor and are named based on Collection Short Name, except with underscores "_" instead of dashes "-".

The file you want in this case is $ADL_HOME/xml/VIIRS/VIIRS_MOD_GEO_TC.xml

Re: error with endianconverter

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 11:13 am
by jhuangadl
Thank you, Tim,
It worked for SDR, VCM and GEO files. But it failed the following:

Code: Select all

$ADL_HOME/tools/bin/AdlFileEndianConverter.exe 50b3c281-6414e-020ad406-5e3704f5.NCEP-ANC-Int Placeholder_VIIRS_AEROS_OPT_THICK_NCEP_IP VIIRS 50b3c281-6414e-020ad406-5e3704f5.NCEP-ANC-Int.BE
I only could find Placeholder_VIIRS_AEROS_OPT_THICK_NCEP_IP for the group name of the NCEP-ANC-Int.
Any chance you know where I could find the proper group names for the following files:
And do you think the endiancoverter would work for the following files?

Re: error with endianconverter

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 4:05 pm
by jhuangadl
Hi Tim,
Just thought I should let you know that I may not have to convert these *msd or *ANC_Int files any more. I can convert those granulated dynamic input files from LE to BE to make them usable directly on BE machines, which approach should be able to survive the situation under the help of the ADL endianconverter.
Thank you for your kind help!

Re: error with endianconverter

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 4:12 pm
by tjensen
Glad you found a work around. Here's how to convert them with the AdlFileEndianConverter, just in case you're still curious

Unfortunately, the "Placeholder" group names will not work. If you come across such a group name, your best bet is to grep the Algorithm config files in $ADL_HOME/cfg for the Collection Short Name you are trying to byte swap and getting the group name from there.

Code: Select all

cd $ADL_HOME/cfg
grep NCEP-ANC-Int *.xml
One of the files that uses that CSN is ProAncViirsGranulateWindSpeed_CFG.xml. If you search for NCEP-ANC-Int in the file, you find the following block of code:

Code: Select all

         <group name="NCEP_ANC_Int">
            <group name="NPP">
The group name found here ("NCEP_ANC_Int") should work with the file endian converter. Also note that this is an ANC product, so pass in ANC for the senor name. The following command should work for you:

Code: Select all

$ADL_HOME/tools/bin/AdlFileEndianConverter.exe 50b3c281-6414e-020ad406-5e3704f5.NCEP-ANC-Int NCEP_ANC_Int ANC 50b3c281-6414e-020ad406-5e3704f5.NCEP-ANC-Int.BE
You should be able to use similiar methods for byteswappign the other files you listed.