VIIRS Corrected Reflectance Tutorial
Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 11:14 am
This short tutorial describes how to install and run the VIIRS Corrected Reflectance code on VIIRS SDR files created by CSPP. The script files and data described in this tutorial are available at
1. To install the VIIRS Corrected Reflectance code, run the install script as shown below (note: Intel Linux host computer is assumed).
chmod u+x install_crefl.bash
This will download the VIIRS Corrected Reflectance software package from NASA DRL, and install it in your home directory. To install it in a different directory, just edit the script.
2. Run the VIIRS Corrected Reflectance code on the test data. Note that the run script is executed once for each granule of VIIRS SDR data. The run script will handle aggregated SDR granules created using CSPP (-a option in
chmod u+x run_viirs_crefl.bash
./run_viirs_crefl.bash data/SVM05_npp_d20130331_t1802568_e1804210_b00001_c20130331182137542989_cspp_dev.h5
This will convert the SDR files (M-bands 3,4,5,7,8,10,11 and GMTCO; I-bands 1,2,3 and GITCO) to HDF4 format, run the Corrected Reflectance code for the M-bands and I-bands, and write the output files in HDF4 format. The Corrected Reflectance product files are similar in format to the MODIS Corrected Reflectance product files.
3. Now you can visualize the Corrected Reflectance product. In the example below, we use IDL for this purpose.
IDL> !path = 'idl:' + !path
IDL> crefl, 'CREFLM_npp_d20130331_t1802568_e1804210.hdf'
A future tutorial will describe how to create VIIRS true color images in a map projection with all sensor artifacts (like the bowtie-deleted pixels) removed.
1. To install the VIIRS Corrected Reflectance code, run the install script as shown below (note: Intel Linux host computer is assumed).
chmod u+x install_crefl.bash
This will download the VIIRS Corrected Reflectance software package from NASA DRL, and install it in your home directory. To install it in a different directory, just edit the script.
2. Run the VIIRS Corrected Reflectance code on the test data. Note that the run script is executed once for each granule of VIIRS SDR data. The run script will handle aggregated SDR granules created using CSPP (-a option in
chmod u+x run_viirs_crefl.bash
./run_viirs_crefl.bash data/SVM05_npp_d20130331_t1802568_e1804210_b00001_c20130331182137542989_cspp_dev.h5
This will convert the SDR files (M-bands 3,4,5,7,8,10,11 and GMTCO; I-bands 1,2,3 and GITCO) to HDF4 format, run the Corrected Reflectance code for the M-bands and I-bands, and write the output files in HDF4 format. The Corrected Reflectance product files are similar in format to the MODIS Corrected Reflectance product files.
3. Now you can visualize the Corrected Reflectance product. In the example below, we use IDL for this purpose.
IDL> !path = 'idl:' + !path
IDL> crefl, 'CREFLM_npp_d20130331_t1802568_e1804210.hdf'
A future tutorial will describe how to create VIIRS true color images in a map projection with all sensor artifacts (like the bowtie-deleted pixels) removed.