Two use cases were discussed recently:
1. Merging the data from two antennas to fill in gaps caused by signal dropouts (local horizon, interference, or the NPP HRD antenna fault)
2. Merging the data from two sites to expand your coverage
I previously made available a simple utility called ccsdsmerge which takes two level-0 PDS files in CCSDS format and produces a single output with no duplicated packets. This has been used mostly when processing MODIS data. The same utility could also be used to merge NPP data.
However for NPP the situation is a little different, because the current method for producing SDRs uses the RT-STPS software but that does not accept CCSDS format as input, only CADU format (which is the data stream before error correction and contains all of the instruments).
I have therefore produced a simple utility called cadumerge which takes two raw data files in CADU format and produces a single output with no duplicated CADUs and all packets error corrected (or dropped if error correction fails). The output can be fed into RT-STPS which should run faster as there won't be any errors to correct.
Not especially relevant to this forum, but I also produced a simple utility called hrptmerge to do the same for NOAA HRPT data which has to use a simple heuristic to guess if a scan line contains errors and pick the best one since HRPT has no error detection facility beyond the sync words.
Let me know if you are interested in any of these utilities (linux/solaris-only).
Merging the data from two antennas/sites
Re: Merging the data from two antennas/sites
I am interested!