gumley wrote:Hello Enrique,
So just to confirm:
1. mod14 does not work at all when it is executed automatically as part of the IMAPP VA processing, and
2. mod14 does execute when you run it from the command line, but all pixels are classified as water.
I made some changes and now mod14 run always, either automatically and manually, but all pixes are classified as water, no matter how we run it, take a look on attributes of this mod14.hdf file for example:
Global attributes: 20
FirePix: 0
MissingPix: 2278
LandPix: 0
WaterPix: 7173922
WaterAdjacentFirePix: 0
CloudAdjacentFirePix: 0
UnknownPix: 0
LandCloudPix: 0
WaterCloudPix: 0
GlintPix: 0
GlintRejectedPix: 0
CoastRejectedPix: 0
HotSurfRejectedPix: 0
DayPix: 0
NightPix: 7176200
Satellite: Terra5.0.1/cuss_systems/var_dirs/dbvm/level1/t1.10315.0223.1000m.hdf/cuss_systems/var_dirs/dbvm/level1/t1.10315.0223.geo.hdfLinux castor 2.6.32-25-server #45-Ubuntu SMP Sat Oct 16 20:06:58 UTC 2010 x86_6
gumley wrote:I have not seen this behavior before. However, it would be helpful if you could show us
a) the contents .log and .err files for the case where mod14 runs inside the IMAPP VA (they should be in the dbvm/errors directory), and
b) the standard output from mod14 when you run it manually.
because of my replay to item 1 and 2, logs and std output are very similar, this is that logs of "run_modis_land.bash" shows:
run_modis_land.bash /cuss_systems/var_dirs/dbvm/level1/t1.10315.0223.1000m.hdf
Creating MODIS Level 2 land products; started at Thu Nov 11 02:46:30 UTC 2010
Input Level 1B 1KM file: /cuss_systems/var_dirs/dbvm/level1/t1.10315.0223.1000m.hdf
(Starting MOD14 fire detection processing)
/cuss_systems/foreing/dbvm/apps/mod14/mod14 -tvC /cuss_systems/var_dirs/dbvm/level1/t1.10315.0223.1000m.hdf /cuss_systems/var_dirs/dbvm/level1/t1.10315.0223.geo.hdf t1.10315.0223.mod14.hdf
name = EV_1KM_Emissive, rank = 3, data type = 23 dims: 16 5300 1354
name = EV_250_Aggr1km_RefSB, rank = 3, data type = 23 dims: 2 5300 1354
name = EV_500_Aggr1km_RefSB, rank = 3, data type = 23 dims: 5 5300 1354
name = Dead Detector List, data type = 20 n_values: 490
band 21, 22, 31, 32 dead detector list
0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 0 0
6 0 0 0 0
7 0 0 0 0
8 0 0 0 0
9 0 0 0 0
name = Latitude, rank = 2, data type = 5 dims: 5300 1354
name = Longitude, rank = 2, data type = 5 dims: 5300 1354
name = SensorZenith, rank = 2, data type = 22 dims: 5300 1354
name = SolarZenith, rank = 2, data type = 22 dims: 5300 1354
name = SensorAzimuth, rank = 2, data type = 22 dims: 5300 1354
name = SolarAzimuth, rank = 2, data type = 22 dims: 5300 1354
name = Land/SeaMask, rank = 2, data type = 21 dims: 5300 1354
radiance scales and offsets:
0 6.262399e-05 2.730583e+03
1 3.149510e-03 2.730583e+03
2 6.921598e-05 2.730583e+03
3 7.910397e-05 2.730583e+03
4 3.155614e-05 1.077445e+03
5 5.639821e-05 1.560333e+03
6 1.175573e-04 2.730583e+03
7 1.924497e-04 2.317489e+03
8 5.324869e-04 2.730583e+03
9 4.063234e-04 1.560333e+03
10 8.400220e-04 1.577340e+03
11 7.296976e-04 1.658221e+03
12 2.622639e-04 2.501298e+03
13 2.006958e-04 2.501298e+03
14 1.767083e-04 2.501298e+03
15 1.183386e-04 2.501298e+03
16 2.730583e+03 4.963469e-05
17 2.730583e+03 3.019898e-05
18 2.730583e+03 -0.000000e+00
19 2.730583e+03 -0.000000e+00
20 1.077445e+03 4.909670e-05
21 1.560333e+03 3.752919e-05
22 2.730583e+03 3.775870e-05
23 2.317489e+03 3.387274e-05
24 2.730583e+03 2.745764e-05
25 1.560333e+03 -0.000000e+00
26 1.577340e+03 -0.000000e+00
27 1.658221e+03 -0.000000e+00
28 2.501298e+03 -0.000000e+00
29 2.501298e+03 -0.000000e+00
30 2.501298e+03 0.000000e+00
31 2.501298e+03 0.000000e+00
32 4.963469e-05 0.000000e+00
33 3.019898e-05 0.000000e+00
34 -0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
35 -0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
nscans = 530
Fire: 0
Unknown: 0
(Finishing MOD14 processing)
gumley wrote:Do you get the same results for every Terra and Aqua pass you have processed, or only a few passes?
Yes, we do. same results for all pass
Enrique Garbi