Error when running RDR->SDR conversion with ADL 4.1/4.2
Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 3:15 pm
Hi All
I am trying to generate VIIRS SDRs from RDR and I have the following files all staged:
3. TLE-AUX_npp
4. off_USNO-PolarWander-UT1-ANC
For the rest of the LUTs I am just using the sample LUTs that came with ADL.
However each time I run the bin/ProSdrViirsController.exe I get the following error:
Further digging into the log file reveals the following:
Also the USNO-PolarWander-UT1-ANC-Int file that I have is not a binary file with associated metadata but its a Text file. It came as H5 file which on unpacking produced the following files:
So I am not sure if I am using the right kind of file. If my file is of correct type then can anyone please help me understand whats causing the problem.
I am trying to generate VIIRS SDRs from RDR and I have the following files all staged:
3. TLE-AUX_npp
4. off_USNO-PolarWander-UT1-ANC
For the rest of the LUTs I am just using the sample LUTs that came with ADL.
However each time I run the bin/ProSdrViirsController.exe I get the following error:
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ProSdrCmnGeo[ProSdrCmnGeo]::getWander() [0x969cd00] ROOT PRO_FAIL Error retrieving data for group name USNO-POLARWANDER-UT1 from file src/ProSdrCmnGeo.cpp, line 9461
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2014/01/29 19:26:15.109.999 (22199.47538383771536): DBG_HIGH ProCmnMethodAudit.cpp|207|ProCmnInputItem[16ProCmnAncIntItem]::queryDMS(USNO-PolarWander-UT1-ANC-Int) [0x96a0750] UNKNOWN_ERROR queryMetadata: [N_Collection_Short_Name:EQ:USNO-PolarWander-UT1-ANC-Int] AND [DatasetLock:EQ:0] AND [Effectivity:EQ:[2014-01-12 18:18:55.700000 - 2014-01-12 18:18:55.700000]] from file ProCmnInputItem.cpp, line 426
2014/01/29 19:26:15.110.017 (22199.47538383771536): DBG_HIGH ProCmnMethodAudit.cpp|207|ProCmnInputItem[16ProCmnAncIntItem]::acquireURs(USNO-PolarWander-UT1-ANC-Int) [0x96a0750] UNKNOWN_ERROR queryDMS() call from file ProCmnInputItem.cpp, line 256
2014/01/29 19:26:15.110.116 (22199.47538383771536): DBG_HIGH ProCmnMethodAudit.cpp|207|ProCmnDataItem[16ProCmnAncIntItem]::getData(USNO-PolarWander-UT1-ANC-Int) [0x96a0750] UNKNOWN_ERROR acquireURs() call from file ProCmnDataItem.cpp, line 960
2014/01/29 19:26:15.110.131 (22199.47538383771536): DBG_HIGH ProCmnMethodAudit.cpp|207|ProCmnInputItem[16ProCmnAncIntItem]::getData(USNO-PolarWander-UT1-ANC-Int) [0x96a0750] UNKNOWN_ERROR ProCmnDataItem::getData() failed from file ProCmnInputItem.cpp, line 194
2014/01/29 19:26:15.110.142 (22199.47538383771536): DBG_HIGH ProCmnMethodAudit.cpp|207|ProCmnDataItem[16ProCmnAncIntItem]::get(USNO-PolarWander-UT1-ANC-Int) [0x96a0750] UNKNOWN_ERROR getData() call from file ProCmnDataItem.cpp, line 569
2014/01/29 19:26:15.110.189 (22199.47538383771536): DBG_HIGH ProCmnMessage.cpp|165|Status: INF_STATUSTYPE_PRO_FREE_FORM | Routine: ProSdrCmnGeo | Description: Error retrieving data for group name USNO-POLARWANDER-UT1
2014/01/29 19:26:15.110.202 (22199.47538383771536): DBG_HIGH ProCmnMethodAudit.cpp|207|ProSdrCmnGeo[ProSdrCmnGeo]::getWander() [0x969cd00] ROOT PRO_FAIL Error retrieving data for group name USNO-POLARWANDER-UT1 from file src/ProSdrCmnGeo.cpp, line 9461
2014/01/29 19:26:15.110.234 (22199.47538383771536): DBG_HIGH ProCmnMethodAudit.cpp|207|ProSdrCmnGeo[ProSdrCmnGeo]::initCmnGeo() [0x969cd00] PRO_FAIL Unable to read Polar Wander from file src/ProSdrCmnGeo.cpp, line 628
2014/01/29 19:26:15.110.668 (22199.47538383771536): DBG_HIGH ProCmnMethodAudit.cpp|207|ProCmnAppl[ProCmnViirsAppl]::initCmnGeoSingleton() [0x7fff3a355100] PRO_FAIL couldn't get a singleton pointer from file ProCmnAppl.cpp, line 1294
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