CSPP Suomi-NPP VIIRS Imagery EDR Software Release

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CSPP Suomi-NPP VIIRS Imagery EDR Software Release

Post by kathys »

Dear Colleagues,

This message is to announce the release of the JPSS Community Satellite Processing Package (CSPP) Suomi-NPP VIIRS Imagery Environmental Data Records (EDR) Version 1.1 Software package for Direct Broadcast. The Imagery EDR products are a subset of VIIRS individual bands remapped into a Mercator projection relative to the satellite (Ground Track Mercator (GTM) projection). This reprojection removes the bow-tie effect and also maintains constant horizontal resolution in the cross-track and along-track directions. One of the output products is the Near Constant Contrast (NCC) product, which is created from the VIIRS Day/Night Band and attempts to provide a consistent image across all illumination regimes.

VIIRS Science Data Record (SDR) Binary Large OBject (BLOB) and matching .asc files are required input to the CSPP Imagery EDR software. These are intermediate files created as part of the CSPP SDR processing. By default, these files are deleted upon successful CSPP SDR completion; users must execute the CSPP SDR software using the “-e” option (viirs_sdr.sh -e) in order for the intermediate files to be retained.

Output Imagery EDR products are:

- VIIRS I-Bands 1,2,3,4,5 radiances and reflectances or brightness temperatures,
- VIIRS M-Bands 1,4,9,14,15,16 radiances and reflectances or brightness temperatures,
- VIIRS Near Constant Contrast (NCC) albedo created from the VIIRS Day/Night Band,
- and matching Geolocation files.

System requirements are:

- Intel or AMD CPU with 64-bit instruction support,
- 16 GB RAM (minimum),
- CentOS 6 64-bit Linux (or other compatible 64-bit Linux distribution.

The software, documentation and verification data are all available for download from the CSPP website:


Best regards,

Kathy, for the JPSS CSPP team. Please direct any questions concerning the package to Mr. Ray Garcia (rayg@ssec.wisc.edu)
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