CSPP Software Release: Clouds from AVHRR Extended System (CLAVR-x) for AVHRR, VIIRS and MODIS
Dear Colleagues,
The Community Satellite Processing Package (CSPP) project is pleased to announce the release of the NOAA/NESDIS/STAR Clouds from AVHRR Extended (CLAVR-x) software for transforming direct broadcast VIIRS, AVHRR, and MODIS Level 1B data into Level 2 cloud, aerosol and surface products. CLAVR-x is a processing system developed at NOAA/NESDIS and the University of Wisconsin-Madison CIMSS for generating quantitative cloud products in real-time. CLAVR-x is NOAA's operational cloud processing system for AVHRR, and its cloud algorithms are scheduled to migrate to the operational processing system for the NOAA JPSS.
Supported satellites, sensors, and data include:
• Suomi NPP VIIRS SDRs (from CSPP or CLASS),
• NOAA-18, NOAA-19, Metop-A, and Metop-B AVHRR Level 1B (from AAPP or CLASS)
• Aqua and Terra MODIS Level 1B (from SeaDAS or the NASA archive; IMAPP naming conventions are required)
CLAVR-x produces single Field-of-View (FOV) retrieval products in HDF4 format. Key cloud output parameters are listed below:
• cloud mask,
• cloud type (13 categories),
• cloud height,
• cloud top pressure,
• cloud top temperature,
• cloud emissivity,
• cloud optical depth,
• cloud effective radius,
• cloud phase,
• product quality flags.
Other parameters including ocean, land and aerosol products are also retrieved. Please see the documentation provided in the package for a complete list of products and a description of the retrieval algorithms. CLAVR-x source code is included with this release. The software is supported on 64 bit CentOS 6 Linux platforms.
The CSPP CLAVR-x software can be downloaded from http://cimss.ssec.wisc.edu/cspp/
Kathy (on behalf of the CLAVRx and CSPP teams in Wisconsin)