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Terra LUTs causing segfault
Posted: Fri May 18, 2018 4:57 am
by arb
The latest Terra LUTs distributed on 13 May 2018 (day 133) seem to be causing the level1 processing to fail (segmentation fault). The files are:
8040351 May 13 23:10 MOD02_Emissive_LUTs.V6.2.2.14.hdf
199874 May 13 23:10 MOD02_QA_LUTs.V6.2.2.14.hdf
10392396 May 13 23:10 MOD02_Reflective_LUTs.V6.2.2.14.hdf
If I remove them, thus reverting to V6.1.26.10, the processing completes.
Is anyone else experiencing this? The cron job will re-download the files soon so the problem will keep re-occurring.
Re: Terra LUTs causing segfault
Posted: Tue May 22, 2018 11:49 am
by kathys
Yes, the Ocean Color group at GSFC is no longer supporting or providing Terra MODIS L1B LUTs. When the SeaDAS 7.4 LUT update script is run, it will download new Terra MODIS L1B LUTs that are not compatible with SeaDAS 7.4.
For users running SeaDAS 7.4, following these two steps will make sure they are not impacted by this change
1. Stop running the LUT update script for Terra (e.g., " -v terraā€¯)
2. If the LUT update script already downloaded the new incompatible LUTs, delete them as shown below
cd $OCVARROOT/modist/cal/OPER
rm MOD02*V6.2.2.14.hdf
Now Terra MODIS L1B processing should be successful.
However, no more LUT updates will be available for Terra in SeaDAS 7.4. You have to update to SeaDAS 7.5 to get this feature back.
Re: Terra LUTs causing segfault
Posted: Tue May 22, 2018 1:50 pm
by arb
Thanks for replying. Sorry, I should have said that it's dbvm v3 (standalone, not VM) which crashes, not seadas.
Re: Terra LUTs causing segfault
Posted: Wed May 23, 2018 12:35 pm
by kathys
The IMAPP DBVM Version 3.0 uses the MODIS Level 1B software from SeaDAS 7.4. The instructions provided will work for the DBVM.
For more explicit IMAPP DBVM instructions, follow these steps:
1). Comment out the terra command in these two scripts:
2). Change directory to dbvm/apps/modisl1db/ocssw/run/var/modist/cal/OPER
cd dbvm/apps/modisl1db/ocssw/run/var/modist/cal/OPER
3). Remove any Terra Version LUTs that you may have downloaded.
rm MOD02*V6.2.2.14.hdf
Good luck,
Re: Terra LUTs causing segfault
Posted: Thu May 24, 2018 4:00 am
by arb
Thanks for the instructions and for confirming that dbvm uses seadas - I might try and bolt seadas-7.5 into dbvm.
Re: Terra LUTs causing segfault
Posted: Thu May 24, 2018 5:01 pm
by kathys
Yeah Andrew, please do and let the community know how it goes. I don't have funds to work on this anymore.