We are pleased to announce a new release of the Community Satellite Processing Package (CSPP) University of Wisconsin (UW) CrIS, AIRS and IASI Hyperspectral Retrieval Software (HSRTV) Version 2.0 for direct broadcast applications. This multi-instrument retrieval algorithm is based on the dual-regression method for use with hyperspectral infrared sounders CrIS onboard NOAA20 and Suomi-NPP, AIRS onboard Aqua, and IASI flying on Metop-A and Metop-B satellites. The software retrieves atmospheric, surface and cloud parameters including profiles of temperature and moisture at single field-of-view resolution. This software is developed by Elisabeth Weisz and William Smith, Sr.
The software is available for download from the CSPP website: http://cimss.ssec.wisc.edu/cspp/
What is new in Version 2.0:
- Added support for NOAA-20 CrIS retrievals.
Added support for both CrIS Normal Spectral Resolution (NSR) and Full Spectral Resolution (FSR) Sensor Data Records (SDRs).
New regression coefficient files have been created for all instruments based upon the most recent version of PCRTM (Principal Component-based Radiative Transfer Model).
The AIRS channel set has been updated to 1246 good channels.
- Atmospheric temperature [K] at 101 pressure levels
Atmospheric moisture [g/kg] at 101 pressure levels
Atmospheric ozone [ppmv] at 101 pressure levels
Atmospheric relative humidity [%] at 101 pressure levels
Atmospheric dew point temperature [K] at 101 pressure levels
Surface skin temperature [K]
Surface emissivity at instrument spectral resolution [cm-1] (under clear conditions only)
Total precipitable water (vertically integrated from 100 hPa to surface) [cm]
Precipitable water 1 (vertically integrated from 900 hPa to surface) [cm]
Precipitable water 2 (vertically integrated from 700 to 900 hPa) [cm]
Precipitable water 3 (vertically integrated from 300 to 700 hPa) [cm]
Total ozone amount (vertically integrated) [dobson units]
Lifted index [Degrees Celsius]
Convective available potential energy [J/kg]
CO2 amount [ppmv]
Cloud top pressure 1 [hPa]
Cloud top temperature 1 [K]
Cloud optical thickness
Effective cloud emissivity
Cloud mask (values: 0 clear, 1 cloud)
• Cross-track Infrared Sounder (CrIS) onboard Suomi-NPP and NOAA-20 Normal Spectral Resolution (NSR) and Full Spectral Resolution (FSR) Direct Broadcast or Archived CLASS Sensor Data Records (SDRs).
• Example filenames:
• SCRIS_npp_d20180122_t0717519_e0725497_b32318_c20180122132548695066_noac_ops.h5 (NSR)
• SCRIF_npp_d20180122_t0717519_e0725497_b32318_c20180122132548662143_noac_ops.h5 (FSR)
• GCRSO_npp_d20180122_t0717519_e0725497_b32318_c20180122132548678455_noac_ops.h5
• Atmospheric InfraRed Sounder (AIRS) onboard Aqua Direct Broadcast or Archived Level 1B data sets.
• Example filename:
• AIRS.2018.01.28.194.L1B.AIRS_Rad.v5.0.23.0.G18029153841.hdf
• Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI) onboard Metop-A and Metop-B Level 1C AAPP EUMETSAT Format.
• Example filenames:
• IASI_xxx_1C_M01_20160511151753Z_20160511152057Z_N_O_20160511160443Z__20160511160614
• IASI_xxx_1C_M02_20160511160559Z_20160511160855Z_N_O_20160511174024Z__20160511174218
The software is supported on most 64 bit Linux Operating Systems.
Instructions on downloading and installing the software as well as test data, documentation and references describing the algorithm are included as part of the release. Please use the 'Contact Us' form from our website to submit any questions or comments to CSPP.