Failed cross granule inputs of VIIRS-Aeros-EDR-AC-Int
Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 11:10 am
Dear All,
I am encounting a problem that I never met before: The VIIRS aerosol algorithm is complaining about cross granule inputs of VIIRS-Aeros-EDR-AC-Int, but to my understanding the AC file is static ancillary input, how can it is related to Cross Granule Input requirements?
The error is the following:
Any kind hints from you is sincerely appreciated!
I am encounting a problem that I never met before: The VIIRS aerosol algorithm is complaining about cross granule inputs of VIIRS-Aeros-EDR-AC-Int, but to my understanding the AC file is static ancillary input, how can it is related to Cross Granule Input requirements?
The error is the following:
Code: Select all
ProEdrViirsAerosolController failed to get cross granule inputs
ProCmnAlgorithm[ProEdrViirsAerosol]::handleInputQuery(NPP000284043946) [0x4315e20] ROOT PRO_CROSSGRAN_FAIL Required input not available for Shortname: VIIRS-Aeros-EDR-AC-Int , Granule ID: Failure(s): (VIIRS-Aeros-EDR-AC-Int, ) from file ProCmnAlgorithm.cpp, line 7967