The NOAA JPSS Active Fires Team is led by Ivan Csiszar at the NOAA NESDIS Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR). NOAA’s VIIRS active fire product development has been done through collaboration between STAR, the University of Maryland and the NASA VIIRS Land Science Team. This CSPP release provides the NESDIS Data Exploitation (NDE) operational version of the 750m “M-band” algorithm and the NESDIS/STAR version of the 375m “I-band” algorithm, both adapted and tested for execution in a real-time direct broadcast environment.
Retrieval software is provided for both VIIRS M-Band (750m) and I-Band (375m) resolutions. Users can choose one or both resolutions. The software includes binary executable files, wrapper scripts and supporting static data files. A separate test data package can be downloaded for verifying a successful installation.
What's New in CSPP Active Fire Version 1.1?
- Support for both NOAA-20 and S-NPP VIIRS;
Support for retrievals at both I-Band (375m) and M-Band (750m) resolutions;- I-Band retrievals require the VIIRS Calibrated Dual-Gain Band Files (IVCDB*.h5). Instructions are included on how to execute the CSPP SDR software in order to produce and save the IVCDB*.h5 files.
1) NetCDF4 product file that includes these Key Parameters:
- A fire mask that includes the confidence of fire at that pixel;
Location of the active fire in terms of granule line/element and latitude/longitude;
M-Band 13 brightness temperature of fire pixel (K) or I-Band 4 brightness temperature of fire pixel (K)
Fire radiative power (MW).
- Latitude of fire pixel (degrees);
Longitude of fire pixel (degrees);
M-Band 13 brightness temperature of fire pixel (K) or I-Band 4 brightness temperature of fire pixel (K);
Along-scan fire pixel resolution (km);
Along-track fire pixel resolution (km);
Fire detection confidence;
Fire radiative power (MW).
In addition to describing how to install and execute the software, the installation guide includes instructions on overlaying the output fire products onto an underlying GeoTIFF image (either Polar2Grid true color or a Blue Marble background).
The CSPP NOAA Active Fire software Version 1.1, documentation and test data are available for download at: