Dear Colleagues,
The CSPP Geo team is pleased to announce that the AIT Framework Version 1.0 software package is now available for download. The software is capable of processing ABI Level 1B calibrated radiance data from GOES-16 and generating Level 2 geophysical products. Input can be obtained from the CSPP Geo GRB software running on the GOES Rebroadcast (GRB) data stream.
Development of this software was funded by the NOAA STAR GOES-R Program.
The following products can be generated:
Aerosol Detection: Smoke and Dust
Aerosol Optical Depth
Clear Sky Masks
Cloud and Moisture Imagery
Cloud Optical Depth (day/night)
Cloud Particle Size Distribution (day/night)
Cloud Top Height
Cloud Top Phase
Cloud Top Pressure
Cloud Top Temperature
Land Surface Temperature (Skin)
The core processing software was developed by the ASSISTT group at NOAA STAR, an includes research implementations of algorithms that were developed by the GOES-R Science Team.
For users of the previously released beta software, Version 1.0 includes the following changes:
Updates to science algorithms and LUTs
Fixes for various issues affecting products
Performance optimizations
User interface improvements
Ancillary data handling improvements including cache locking, support for data mirroring and improved tolerance of missing or late ancillary data
Logging and error messaging improvements
Reduction of artifacts due to chunking of data for parallel processing
Support for ABI Mode 6
Quicklooks improvements and fixes, some incorporating feedback from the science team
Various other improvements and bug fixes
Expanded documentation
Refer to the Software Users' Guide for a more detailed list of changes.
To obtain the software, system requirements, test data and documentation, please visit the CSPP Geo website.
Please contact with any feedback or questions.
Best regards,
Graeme, on behalf of the CSPP Geo Team