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CSPP Geo Gridded GLM Version 1.1 Software Release

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2025 3:25 pm
by jbraun
Dear Colleagues,

The CSPP Geo Team is pleased to announce that version 1.1 of the Gridded Geostationary Lightning Mapper (Gridded GLM) software package is now available for download.

The main new feature in this release is support for processing GLM data obtained from the GOES-19 satellite, which is scheduled to become operational as GOES-East on April 4, 2025. Users who are currently running the Gridded GLM software to process GOES-East data are advised to update their software before that date.

This release is built for Linux variants compatible with Rocky 8 or Rocky 9. CentOS 7 is no longer supported as it reached end of life in June 2024. Otherwise, this software is designed to be a drop-in replacement for the previous production release (v1.0), with the same hardware requirements and a backward-compatible user interface.


The software is capable of processing GOES-16, GOES-17, GOES-18 and GOES-19 GLM Level 2+ products in mission standard format, generating a new set of products that have been gridded to the Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) 2-km resolution, and are aggregated at one-minute intervals. Spatial extent information that is not readily available in the GLM L2+ data is recovered and used to create the gridded products.

The following products can be produced:
  • Minimum Flash Area
  • Flash Extent Density
  • Total Optical Energy
Products are compatible with the Satpy Python library, and with display packages that are built with Satpy such as Geo2Grid. AWIPS-compatible tiles can optionally be generated, using functionality that was developed within the open source Python SatPy library.

Input GLM L2+ files can be obtained from the CSPP Geo GRB software running at a direct broadcast site, from NOAA CLASS, or from NOAA Open Data Dissemination (NODD). (Note that GOES-19 GLM test data is not yet widely available as the instrument has not yet reached provisional status.) Output is in NetCDF4 format.

What's New

The following changes are included, relative to the previous release (v1.0):
  • GOES-19 support.
  • Target platform is Rocky 8/9 or compatible Linux variant.
  • Updated versions of bundled software libraries.
  • Bug fixes and various minor improvements.
A more detailed list of changes is in the Software Users' Guide, as well as a full description of supported capabilities.

History and Attribution

The software package is built on the open source glmtools software developed by Dr. Eric Bruning (Texas Tech University), as well as other open source software libraries. Development of operational Gridded GLM products and related research is led by Dr. Scott Rudlosky (NOAA/NESDIS/STAR).

Software Download and Installation

The version 1.1 software and a test data tarball can be obtained from the CSPP Geo website (free registration required to download software). Basic instructions, usage examples and links to product documentation can be found in the CSPP Geo Gridded GLM Software Users' Guide. The software package is self-contained; installation of additional third-party software is not required.


We welcome feedback from users on this software and the products, as well as any future improvements people would like to see. Please direct any feedback or questions to

Best regards,
Graeme, on behalf of the CSPP Geo Team