Some GOES L2 Cloud files are not recognized by geo2grid
Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2025 3:48 pm
I am trying to read and remap GOES L2 cloud files for the mesoscale files found in the directory below using geo2grid:
I was able to process the variable TEMP using geo2grid from files in the following directory:
I used the following set of commands:
cd /data/rabin/CSPP/CSPP/geo2grid_test/abi/input
ls -lt
$GEO2GRID_HOME/bin/ geo2grid -v -r abi_l2_nc -w binary -f $fn -g WGS84_MESO --grid-configs mygrid.conf -p TEMP --output-filename {platform_name}_{sensor}_{name}_{start_time:%Y%m%d_%H%M}_rows{area.shape[0]}_cols{area.shape[1]}_ae{area.area_extent[0]}_{area.area_extent[1]}_{area.area_extent[2]}_{area.area_extent[3]:3.2f} --no-enhance --method nearest
However, I was unable to process the variable PRES from files in the following directory:
These files are not recognized by geo2grid. Error message: "No supported files found"[ when executing the following set of commands:
cd /data/rabin/CSPP/CSPP/geo2grid_test/abi/input
ls -lt
$GEO2GRID_HOME/bin/ geo2grid -v -r abi_l2_nc -w binary -f $fn -g WGS84_MESO --grid-configs mygrid.conf -p PRES --output-filename {platform_name}_{sensor}_{name}_{start_time:%Y%m%d_%H%M}_rows{area.shape[0]}_cols{area.shape[1]}_ae{area.area_extent[0]}_{area.area_extent[1]}_{area.area_extent[2]}_{area.area_extent[3]:3.2f} --no-enhance --method nearest
I am trying to read and remap GOES L2 cloud files for the mesoscale files found in the directory below using geo2grid:
I was able to process the variable TEMP using geo2grid from files in the following directory:
I used the following set of commands:
cd /data/rabin/CSPP/CSPP/geo2grid_test/abi/input
ls -lt
$GEO2GRID_HOME/bin/ geo2grid -v -r abi_l2_nc -w binary -f $fn -g WGS84_MESO --grid-configs mygrid.conf -p TEMP --output-filename {platform_name}_{sensor}_{name}_{start_time:%Y%m%d_%H%M}_rows{area.shape[0]}_cols{area.shape[1]}_ae{area.area_extent[0]}_{area.area_extent[1]}_{area.area_extent[2]}_{area.area_extent[3]:3.2f} --no-enhance --method nearest
However, I was unable to process the variable PRES from files in the following directory:
These files are not recognized by geo2grid. Error message: "No supported files found"[ when executing the following set of commands:
cd /data/rabin/CSPP/CSPP/geo2grid_test/abi/input
ls -lt
$GEO2GRID_HOME/bin/ geo2grid -v -r abi_l2_nc -w binary -f $fn -g WGS84_MESO --grid-configs mygrid.conf -p PRES --output-filename {platform_name}_{sensor}_{name}_{start_time:%Y%m%d_%H%M}_rows{area.shape[0]}_cols{area.shape[1]}_ae{area.area_extent[0]}_{area.area_extent[1]}_{area.area_extent[2]}_{area.area_extent[3]:3.2f} --no-enhance --method nearest