We are pleased to announce a new release (Version 2.0) of the NASA International MODIS/AIRS Processing Package (IMAPP) Polar2Grid software for reformatting MODIS Level 1B data into reprojected
- - GeoTIFF files,
- Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System (AWIPS) NetCDF3 gridded files. AWIPS is the visualization and analysis tool used operationally by the US National Weather Service (NWS),
- Keyhole Markup language Zipped (KMZ) files,
- HDF5 files, and/or
- Binary files,
What is new in Polar2Grid Version 2.0 release?
Polar2Grid Version 2.0 is a significant revision of the original software. Because of the expansion of input and output products supported, execution is now more complex; commands that you may have used in previous versions may require modifications. Wherever possible, we have tried to maintain consistency of execution across all front and back end data sets
- * KMZ, HDF5 and binary output formats can be created.
* MODIS corrected reflectance software execution is now included as part of true color and false color image creation.
* Output file naming conventions have changed to reflect the vast number of data and products that are supported.
* MODIS L1B file naming conventions can be either IMAPP or NASA archive.
* VIIRS and MODIS 24 bit false color image creation is now supported.
* Users must now explicitly provide the input matching geolocation files in the file argument list.
* Because of the improvement in efficiency of the software, the --num-procs optional argument is no longer supported.
* Support for AVHRR Level 1b from NOAA-18, NOAA-19, Metop-A and Metop-B satellites is now included
IMAPP Polar2Grid Software Features
- - Accepts MODIS Level 1B HDF4 files as input.
- Creates standardized output GeoTIFF files. Image default projection is the WGS 84/Platte Carrée coordinate system.
- Software will use the the 250 m band 1 to sharpen the 1 km bands for high resolution true color and false color image file generation.
- Execution takes place using simple bash scripts; users specify a directory containing the L1B files, or the files themselves.
- Accepts proj4 grid definition parameters.
- Users can define their own grids. A grid definition helper script is included with the package.
This software package is supported on 64 bit Intel Linux platforms. Source code, binaries, execution scripts and documentation are included at the IMAPP website:
More complete technical documentation is available at the Polar2Grid website at: http://www.ssec.wisc.edu/software/polar2grid/
The Polar2Grid open source software code repository is also available through github at: http://github.com/davidh-ssec/polar2grid .