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Cannot find the definition of LUT_STRUCT_LST

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2015 11:53 pm
by jzh
When I read the code file "lst.cpp", I found that the LUT struct "LUT_STRUCT_LST" is missing. Can anyone give some help about this?

Re: Cannot find the definition of LUT_STRUCT_LST

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 4:50 pm
by kbisanz
Are you still having an issue with this? What ADL version are you using?

LUT_STRUCT_LST should be defined in $ADL_HOME/include/AutoGeneratedViirsProductsGbl.h. That file is auto generated and comes from parsing $ADL_HOME/xml/VIIRS/VIIRS-LST-Coef-LUT.xml.

Sorry for missing your question.