CSPP/IMAPP User's Group Meeting Announcement

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CSPP/IMAPP User's Group Meeting Announcement

Post by kathys »

CSPP/IMAPP User's Group Meeting: June 27-29, 2017 at the University of Wisconsin in Madison

Dear Colleagues,

Please save the dates June 27-29, 2017 on your calendar for the next CSPP/IMAPP User’s Group Meeting to be held at the Fluno Center on the campus of the University of Wisconsin - Madison, USA.

The 2017 Community Satellite Processing Package (CSPP) and International MODIS/AIRS Processing Package (IMAPP) Users’ Group Meeting will again bring together the worldwide community of CSPP and IMAPP users to discuss topics relevant to reception, processing, and applications of data acquired by direct broadcast from polar-orbiting meteorological satellites including Suomi NPP and JPSS, Terra and Aqua, Metop, POES, FY-3, GCOM, and Meteor. In addition, we are pleased to include the CSPP Geostationary (Geo) direct broadcast satellite community this year, including GOES-16 and Himawari-8 users. Presentations related to other satellite missions are also welcome. Call for papers will be available soon at:



Liam Gumley, Kathy Strabala and Graeme Martin
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