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Truth raw data from ADL 2 distributed VIIRS-SCIENCE-RDR
Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 10:41 am
by houchin
Hi all,
Does anyone have the truth data from the VIIRS-SCIENCE-RDR file distributed with ADL 2.0, in an easily ingestible format. Technically all of this data would be in the Verified RDR output, but we don't have tools to parse that file at the moment. We are running into two issues with our tool development at Aerospace:
First, we're working on a science data parser, and have a working tool, but nothing to compare the output with.
Second, when I use the Raytheon Santa Barbara LRV extractor on that file, I don't get any output. The file does contain HDR operational Engineering packets (but no Health and Status packets). I haven't dug into the code on telemetry yet to see what's in the raw data.
Scott Houchin
Re: Truth raw data from ADL 2 distributed VIIRS-SCIENCE-RDR
Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 4:31 pm
by rayg
I was able to use with the ADL XML file to inspect and plot up the VIIRS-SCIENCE-RDR-Verified.BE file in Python - an example recipe is at ... #section-3 . We're working to get the prerequisites for doing this kind of work into the UW ADL virtual machine distribution (principally Python 2.5 or better, numpy, and matplotlib+basemap are needed).
Right now only direct access as pythonic data structures, and MAT file export conversion are included; NetCDF is planned. If you prefer to use it to write your own import/export tools to other analysis/test environments, let me know where you'd like to see clarifications or further functionality. More information on this all is in the Input / Output forum.
Best regards-
Re: Truth raw data from ADL 2 distributed VIIRS-SCIENCE-RDR
Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 1:44 pm
by houchin
Hi Ray,
Would you be able to dump the raw values (either with or without the gain) for M4 detector 1 for one scan to a text file and e-mail that to me? We have code to extract data from the RDR files, but we're seeing issues with the compressed data that we don't see with other forms of CCSDS packets. Something as simple as the absolute scan number, sample number and sample value would be great. You can e-mail me at
Re: Truth raw data from ADL 2 distributed VIIRS-SCIENCE-RDR
Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 9:34 am
by rayg
Scott -
Emailed you a subset of the VIIRS Verified RDR file for M4 fields generated from an ADL test run. I was able to do a quick and dirty export to a (woefully oversimplified) HDF5 temporary file by using the following incantation.
Code: Select all
import h5py
import numpy as np
import adl_blob as adl
vrdr ='VIIRS_SCIENCE_RDR_Verified.xml', 'VIIRS-SCIENCE-RDR-Verified')
print(', '.join( name for name,_ in vrdr._fields_ if 'M4' in name ))
hp = h5py.File('/tmp/viirs_vrdr.h5', 'w')
hp['rawCalibM4'] = np.array(vrdr.rawCalibM4)
hp['calibD4M4'] = np.array(vrdr.calibD4M4)
hp['calibGainM4'] = np.array(vrdr.calibGainM4)
Getting text out of an HDF5 file using the HDF5 h5dump tool should be pretty straightforward -
Code: Select all
h5dump -d /rawCalibM4 viirs_vrdr.h5
Re: Truth raw data from ADL 2 distributed VIIRS-SCIENCE-RDR
Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 6:22 am
by Liamriffith
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